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I am making this post to inform you all I survived babysitting for a week "The Three Alegres Chihuahuas". Back to their truthful owner and slave.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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One of my cousins has more than a dozen chihuahas.

And he is alive? That is special stock of a human being, to have a dozen of nervious wrecks. I salute you.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Three of them tend to run errands with him. I assume those are the less nervous ones.

@snytiger6 these three girls used to go with my brother in law to the warehouse were he worked most of the time... when it was hot they hung out in the office and Cindy will go at times with him on repair trips to other states or go camping. She miss him the most and still expect him to show up. They are animals of habit and I am a poor substitute to what he offered them. Like driving with them on his lap. They miss that.


Chihuahuas are nuts.

godef Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

Did you get a t shirt?

A coffee mug. More handy!!!

@GipsyOfNewSpain yes that way you can give the princesses water at a given notice

@btroje I knew there was a catch and I such an Idiot missed it... female intuition is scary! Thanks for the heads up. Much Appreciated.


Bet it was fun Hector.

Shhhh, I believe everytime I can't find my cellphone, they got it.


My Dexter Morgan is half Chihuahua. He is spoiled rotten...have NO idea how he got that way.


Good Job, stay, wag your tail, sit, good boy.
I think you have it down.

Thank You. They trained me well. No complain at least not in front of me.


I hope you spoiled them, feeding them at the table and so on, as a reward to their owner. 😉

Owner already did that. I am ashamed to admit I bough a George Foreman Grill to cook for them... that Spoiled.


You'll miss them.



If you survived 3 Chihuahuas for a week, you deserve a reward!

Thank You.

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