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The ten things that scare the hell out of INFPs.

1. Not Living Up to Their Ideals
INFPs are often called the Idealists, and it’s not hard to see why. They have very high standards for themselves and rely on a strong inner set of values. Their internal moral compass is powerful, because of their dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi) use. They also believe in everything they do having meaning and purpose. Numerous INFPs mentioned the fear of getting to the end of their lives and realizing that they wasted their potential, or didn’t do anything significant to make the world a better place.

2. Rejection
INFPs are very strong introverts, but the relationships they do have they take very seriously. They form strong emotional bonds with the ones they love, and are very generous and giving in the support they share with the people they care about. Friendship with an INFP runs deep, and they’d rather have a few very close friends over a broad group of acquaintances. The significance they place on their close friendships mean that they are especially affected by betrayal and rejection, and once burned, many INFPs are afraid to face that same rejection again.

3. Insanity
In my research, I’ve found that intuitives, in general, greatly feared insanity more than sensors. I’m not sure what the link is; perhaps it is because intuitives see meanings, and look for patterns and unknown principles and theories and are less focused on what can be grasped via the senses. Sensors focus on what can be seen, felt, tasted, and realized physically in the present moment and may be less inclined to worry about unforeseen possibilities that currently don’t pose a problem.

4. Crowds
INFPs get their energy from being alone with their thoughts and ideas. For this reason, being in large crowds of people can be taxing for them and make them feel overwhelmed.

5. Loneliness
Even though INFPs are introverted and recharge by being alone with their thoughts, they still greatly desire meaningful relationships. INFPs want relationships that are formed on authenticity, trust, and mutual passion and shared interests. This is why an INFP is often dissatisfied with broad, shallow relationships. They are the people who can feel lonely even among numerous acquaintances. It can be hard for them to find like-minded individuals to connect with since they are such a small percentage of the population (only 2%). Many INFPs mentioned a fear of dying alone, never finding a significant relationship, or never feeling understood by others.

6. Phone Calls
While INFPs enjoy listening to others and forming connections, they often feel anxious when they receive unexpected phone calls from people they don't know. They often mentioned feeling nervous about having to make phone calls, answer the phone, the doorbell, or engage in social interaction with people they aren’t very close to.

7. Zombies
I don’t know that this one needs much explanation. Zombies are just plain scary. Ok a little explanation, in this case zombies are conformist, which is why George Orwell (famously INFP) was frightened by zombie politics in his novels and why you'll never see an INFP at a MAGA rally.

8. Disease
Along with a fear of disease, many INFPs mentioned a fear of germs, paralysis, or physical helplessness. Which sometimes sounds like hypochondria, however the INFP knows how they sound. As an INFP once said to their daughter "I'm a drama queen don't encourage me." "But you had a heart attack" replies the daughter.

9. Becoming Evil
As I mentioned before, INFPs have a very strong internal moral compass. Living in accordance with their values is of the utmost importance to them. Finding out that they have been adhering to corrupt rules, laws, or ideals is something that can make them feel very anxious.

10. The State of the World
Many INFPs mentioned fearing the current or potential state of the world. War, genocide, greed, environmental collapse; all these things were brought up numerous times. INFPs see the world as having a vast potential for goodness, beauty, and ingenuity. They are often angered and depressed when they see headlines in the news about more corruption, lies, destruction, and persecution.

If you suspect you might be an INFP you can test yourself here [], it'll only take five minutes or so of your time.

Willow_Wisp 8 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I was lonely for a long time, now older I love just hanging out with my dog. Seems that's when I'm happiest.


I am INFP. I was tested for a college course back in the 1990s.

When it comes to 4. Crowds: Large crowds, where I'm anonymous, are just as comfortable as being alone. It's smaller crowds, where people recognize me, that wear me out.

I get it, it’s why I can attend things like pride while missing things like don’t know, Churches?


I took personality tests while studying Psychology, and was warned that their accuracy is limited. Even the Big Five model has limited accuracy. The Myers-Briggs can tell you are one personality today and another tomorrow. Rather ironically, the following article says... "your browser already knows what kind of person you are a thousand times more intimately than any test will ever reveal." [] Today I am an INFJ-T.

It’s only useful if you understand the tool, pretty much like understanding any other tool. I found it profoundly useful, and if you don’t then that’s fine. It doesn’t diminish its use for those that wish to understand the psycho dynamics of previous relationships.
If you had enough abandonment issues you might be interested in finding answers as well.
It’s one thing to know a romantic partner isn’t as emotional as you are and quite another to fully realize they aren’t being stubborn or cruel, they are limited by the software running on their wetware.
I’ve cleared a lot of resentments this way, after all if they thought like I did then they would deserve resentment wouldn’t they, but they don’t in a very concrete way.
Yes you’ll shift in personality a bit through time but it’s definitely not the random crap shoot that people who need “hard” yes / no answers consistently fail to understand. Many even go so far as to compare it to astrology which is like assuming astrology and astronomy are equivalent. Introverts can act like extroverts under the right circumstances for example like Kim Basinger who was painfully shy playing the part of Holly Would like an extrovert. Kim got into acting to fight her shyness, but even now in retirement she’s still shy.


I just found , I always forget, that I am an INFP. Now what?

For me it helped me understand a lot about why things happened the way they did both growing up and in my failed marriage of 15 years. I was married to an INTJ-A which is about as close to marrying a Vulcan from Star Trek as possible. As it turns out Vulcans are dicks.


Usually INTJ. I think most people are pretty fluid in personality depending on environment. Still a firm believer that a little alcohol will show you most of what you need to know about a person.

I don't like alcoholics nor do I use it in any amount at all.
But I smoke marijuana like a broke stove.

@summatyme I agree. Usually after two drinks, people loosen up and reveal themselves. But there are other ways to watch them. Their interactions with those more vulnerable in society, interactions with pets, what news station they watch.

I just moved to an active adult comunity and sometimes people reveal themselves with sentences of meeting them.

Example, I was walking and a gentlemen was washing his car outside. I noticed he had a Clemson alumni sticker on his bumper. I said good morning and introduced myself. I made casual conversation on the prospects of the upcoming college football season.

His first sentence was " our coach doesn't tolerate any of that kneeling down nonsense, if you can't stand for the flag, he don't want those " boys" on the team.

I walk on the other side of the street when I see him now. Because what I wanted to say was, I thought Lincoln freed the slaves.

He didn't even need a drink to figure out who he was.


I took the test and I am an ENFP-T. I was surprised at the accuracy. Interesting.

I'm INFP-T, so I'm a bit introverted compared to you.
The -A or -T part is between assertive and turbulent.
Assertives are more at ease with themselves, more confident.
Where Turbulent is more insecure.
At least that's how I understand it.
So while they say 16 personalities it's more like 32 and growing.

@Willow_Wisp It appears so. As I said I was surprised at the accuracy. If I hadn't taken the test and someone handed me a print out of this description of me I would have been stunned at its accuracy. As I have gotten older and dealing with more alone time than I have ever experienced before due to the pandemic, I found out it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I would feel lonely at times and a little depressed at times, some of that brought on by the thought at my age I can't afford a wasted year, but about six months into it my brother and I started working on an acoustic duo and it has turned out to be something we are both very happy with and we are getting all of the bookings we want, so that really helped. As I have gotten older I have found myself enjoying a much smaller social circle than when I was younger. As I said a most interesting test. Thanks for sharing this test.

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