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Generation X more loyal to religion

Monsignor 5 May 25

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Maybe because the Boomers grew jaded with it as they grew older and passed that attitude on to their children the Millenials?


More loyal than whom?

More loyal than Boomers? I doubt it.
More loyal than Millennials? Probably.

But that's what you'd expect to see, isn't it, if society at large was making a slow transition away from religion? The oldest apostates will be few, and numbers will grow in subsequent generations.


Quite likely, that was the the time of a big down turn in educational standards, before the modern reforms began to kick in.

Hey now! THIS genXer can do math, and observe societal trends, and this strikes me as a pretty obvious interplay of the two. Hmph.

@AmyTheBruce Yes, I am one myself, but a little bait sometimes needs flavour.

@Fernapple Nice turn of phrase! 😁

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