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If I start a religion, I think this will be my creed

"Memento, quae non lactaverunt"

(Closest translation I could get for remember what doesnt suck. I don't know latin. Im just screwing around.)

thinkwithme 7 May 29

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Remember, that did not give suck?
Weird ass motto.
I prefer: "Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc" or "We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us."
_Adams family

Remember what doesnt suck.

@thinkwithme My Latin is rusty.

@Willow_Wisp I'm just using a translator and making my own version of it. Lol

@thinkwithme Latin was a required subject in all high schools in my fathers day, then not required in most schools by the time I was born with a couple of isolated hold outs when I went.
Cursive has been removed as a required subject recently and for those of us who had to write everything in cursive in school it feels like they dropped math. Odd that I feel like that considering I haven't written anything in cursive since I'd write home from the Navy.
I even wrote a book of vellum sheets using calligraphy.
A Grimoire or spell book with about 80 pages and leather bound as one of my art projects.
It has been used in over 200 plays as a prop, so fun, it's good for Halloween too but someone stole it in 1990 when they broke into my apartment in San Bernardino.

@Willow_Wisp Wow..Cursive feels like art to me as well as being faster than printing. Even more so art is calligraphy that's cool.that you could do that..good ju ju to you 🙂


You wouldn't want to share an English translation?

Its suppose to say remember what doesnt suck..but idk really how to speak latin..I was just using an online translator

@thinkwithme My interpretation is that it means literally remember that which did not lactate but figuratively, remember that which did not provide nourishment. Kinda like this site.

@racocn8 Out if context. Babies should suck as needed. Media making soundbites trying to defame my church already.

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