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All over the Earth dominant cultures exhibit racism, ethnic discrimenation and atrocities. America is not definitley unique there.

Whites are guilty of Centurues of ethnic racism. White privileges is a foundation of the European colonial experience. It is part of their cultural heritage, aided by chavanistic christian morality underpinnings. Misplaced white supremacy is the failing of the white culture.

Early on due to superior weapons and disease dissemination, and later by controlling the access to government, economic, and media whites maintained their stranglehold on the non-white cultures throughout the country.

Whites are guilty if they do nothing to recognize these disparities and do nothing to rectify these same disparities.

t1nick 8 May 31

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Funny how "whites" in the us and eu are considered more racist, when the us is the most diverse country on the planet. I think you are confusing all humans with just white people. Let go of your white guilt you're only human like the rest of us.

Tejas Level 8 June 1, 2021

I don't have white guilt. I have facts. I recognize that disparities exist, and have been fostered for multiple Centuries. As such I try to eliminate the disparity whenever I can. Thats why I have taught in minority populations for 33 years.

You once claimed a few months back that young whites in the South are no longer racist. I would beg to differ with you. You are a prime example. Your denial is endemic of how Southern whites (not just limited to the South only to be truthful) rationalize and convince themselves they're not racist.

I bet you have a good friend who is black. Plus I bet you do not even realize the problem with that statement.


Nick did not talk about the world he talked about European cultures therefore I'm confused about the attacks on his statement.

Dominant cultures always suspect and fear "The Other". That point of view creates discrimination and atrocities to make sure the dominant culture remains dominant.

America and Europe currently claim to be fair and caring countries. If they want to claim that they need to act like it. My visit to Hungary proved that almost everywhere there is an ethnic group that is feared and hated. In Hungary it's the gypsies. It appears that the UK is being rocks by ethnic beers as well that's they have Brexit. The Other" we'll probably always be feared but laws can help them have an equal chance at a decent life.


There is a basic flaw to your argument - it is taken from a white person's point of view.
How about the history of Mongolia, or China? White outsiders were regarded as decidedly inferior.

I was only talking about our country. It is true that the Chinese and Mongolians have their racism. However, I stated racism happens all over the world. The fact that I am a Caucasian acknowledging the flaws in our heritage, dies not diminish my argument or invalidate it.


You're correct about racism being associated with dominance. But this is precisely why many don't do anything about it!


Many do, but then their actions are used by racist to point out how there isn't systemic racism.
"White people march in BLM parade so no systemic racism."
"A black man was voted into the Presidency so no systemic racism."
We're not going to let them steal the truth by using our actions as the fulcrum of their ultra-racist argument.
I admit this one pisses me off more than any other right wing argument.

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