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"While we can’t know for sure if the pejorative “Karen” meme is the cause of the name’s drop in popularity, it seems likely that the growing association of the name with middle-aged white women who demand to speak to store managers ― and with white privilege and white supremacy generally ― can only contribute to the pattern of decline." ~ Caroline Bologna []karen-baby-name-drop-popularity_l_5f57de64c5b67602f5fd4386#:~:text=Between%202018%20and%202019%2C%20the,list%20since%20the%20year%201929.&text=Last%20year%2C%20438%20newborn%20girls,2018%20and%20552%20in%202017. #Karen #Karens #meme #Whiteprivilege ##whitesupremacy #names #popularity

LaDizdeOdd 6 June 4

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and the psychotic beat of "brave new world" thought control goes on. is anything too insane for them?


"Donald" is around a historic low, too.

Wow! OMG! Any other names? The list is growing []

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