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Sooner or later you run out of time, but a speck of mass, time waits for no one ( original )

NHwoodsman 4 June 8

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Time is an emergent property, it seems real because we remember events that have happened because some of those events were the encryption of memories into our long term memory banks. We anticipate a future based on expectations we develop from those long term memories making a day seem so much longer as we watch the clock so we can leave school or work to do something we find more interesting.
So most of time is self induced illusion. There is only now where causality meets effect. The past does exist at tremendous distances from us, but it's physically too far away to take advantage of and it's not our past it's other past, like when we look at the Andromeda Galaxy we're seeing it as it was two million years ago, but we're not looking at our past we're looking at the past of someone else, because their causality is only just getting to us. In fact gravity is defined by time, the dimensions bend toward the area where time is passing at the slowest rate we perceive this as the pull of gravity when it's actually your tendency to fall toward the area of space where time is slowest, like a black hole where time stops at the event horizon, or a much smaller object traveling by at relativistic speeds, their inertial wake could potentially pull us along after them.
Relativity is fun "Time on Earth" = "Time on Spacecraft" divided by the square root of one subtract velocity squared over the speed of light squared.
In formula notation ToE = "ToS" / SQRT(1-((VxV)/(CxC))) which is the Lorentz transformation for time dilation.

Excellent explaination. Thanks.

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