Not If, But When - Cosmology in Crisis: Part Three.
( For Parts 1 & 2, enter ‘crisis’ in the site’s search bar )
Einstein's postulates are wrong.[8]
General relativity (GR) is wrong.[9]
The Universe is not expanding.[10]
The electric force travels faster than the speed of light with near-infinite velocity.[8]
Gravity has two poles like a bar magnet; dipole gravity.[11]
A plenum of neutrinos forms an all-pervasive aether.[8]
Planets give birth to comets.[12]
Stars do not shine because of internal nuclear fusion caused by gravitational collapse. Rather, they are anodes for galactic discharge currents.[13]
Impact craters on Venus, Mars and the Moon are not caused by impacts, but by electrical discharges.[14] The same applies to the Valles Marineris (a massive canyon on Mars) and the Grand Canyon on Earth.[15]
The Sun is negatively charged, and the solar wind is positively charged — the two systems forming a giant capacitor (this is James McCanney's particular erroneous belief.)[16]
EU proponents from the Thunderbolts Project claim to have predicted the natures of Pluto and Comet 67P more accurately than NASA or ESA.[17][18]
I hope you will unhide what I need to understand your post.
I did search on James McCanney.
Interesting topic so I looked it up.
@waitingforgodo Choose sources you can trust. Rationalwiki isn’t one. Nor is Wikipedia, or NASA and its many contractors.
Big Bang cosmology is a multi-billion dollar taxpayer-funded industry. The people it benefits financially will do everything they can to keep the industry funded.