Stegasoras, my favorite, I may have spelled it incorrectly.
My 4 year old grandson very proudly states his favorite kind of dinosaur and also sharks. I never really learned enough about dinosaurs to develop a favorite, so I'm more in the "all dinosaurs were great" camp. However I will never grow up.
Today I went around the neighborhood on a razor scooter along side my 7 year old grandson. An old fellow on a bike rode by and looked at me like I was crazy, but I defended my fun by stating you're never too old to ride a scooter!
I'm visiting my daughter at her beach house on a small island in Washington State and we go everywhere in a golf cart. It's been fun! I must be regressing in age since I've been here - twice this week I've been mistaken for my daughter by her neighbors.
I Won't Grow Up
I Know. So true. I love dinosaurs...just ask my yard.
But I don't know your yard.