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I first saw this on you tube; but it's cool...Africa is slowly breaking in two...

Robecology 9 July 23

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After you view the Africa clip, you may see a clip asking what if we could build a replica of the sun on earth?

A replica of the real sun has been built, a laboratory model has been tested, and the patent holder is now seeking investors. To learn more, do a search on The Safire Project. Aureon. Note: It’s the real sun, not the fusion sun that Arthur Eddington imagined a century ago.

@yvilletom Sorry....I don't buy in to that concept of controlled nuclear fusion ("building a sun here on earth).

It's not only dangerous to's costly.

"One of the biggest reasons why we haven't been able to harness power from fusion is that its energy requirements are unbelievably, terribly high. In order for fusion to occur, you need a temperature of at least 100,000,000 degrees Celsius. That's slightly more than 6 times the temperature of the Sun's core."


It's so much easier to take advantage of the fusion from our own sun - a very safe 8 light minutes away from earth. Wind and running water are actually secondary forms of solar energy. China is years ahead of other nations in solar photovoltaics.....they're powering several small cities completely on Solar PVCells.


@Robecology Please DO NOT BUY INTO that concept of controlled nuclear fusion. It is dangerous to control and costly.

The real sun — the one we see rising and setting — is not a fusion sun. It is a plasma sun, therefore the replica I mention in my post is a plasma sun.

@yvilletom Sorry you're so out of touch with the basic science of how all stars - including our sun - works;

Yes; our sun is a middle aged, Hydrogen fusing to helium, "star".

"In the core of the Sun, hydrogen turns into helium and causes a fusion – which moves to the surface of the Sun, escaping into space as electromagnetic radiation, a blinding light, and incredible levels of solar heat."

A "plasma" is the fourth state of matter; which...due to the critical mass of all stars that produce light- is the main state of the Hydrogen and Helium on and in that star/our sun.

This might help you;


@Robecology Our beliefs differ, as does our evidence.

I visited the website you cited. Will you google The Safire Project Aureon.

The data from the Parker Solar Probe may settle the issue.

@yvilletom So what you're saying...and a relatively safer creation of plasma fusion energy on earth that "only" requires 25.000ºc of heat?'s almost funny...and it's very unscientific.

Here's the diagram from the website.

25,000ºc is absurdly hot...and WILL add to the excess heat being accumulated on the earth's atmosphere. This is called an exothermic - or heat producing reaction.

Solar, Photovottaic, wind, hydro rivers, hydro tidal, and hydro current electricity does NOT require even hundreds of degrees of heat. They're called "mesothemic" or "endothermic.

That's why you're not getting investors. On top of that you suggest the sun's energy is not fusion...yet it creates plasma?

Wow. Sad.

@Robecology Try again, but read more carefully.

Eddington was wrong; the sun’s energy is electric, not fusion.

Plasma is everywhere; the sun does not create it.


Rift Valley. A tectonic spreading boundary that extends onto land. East Africa one day will no longer be attached to the continent of Africa.

t1nick Level 8 July 23, 2021
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