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Covid: Fauci says US heading in wrong direction as cases rise


xenoview 8 July 25

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I am seeing rising numbers in various news sources. I still take precautions, I mask at some stores, and generally avoid going out very much. I have never been fond of crowded places so those are easy for me to avoid. I just can't wrap my head around why anyone would not want to vaccinate. Since the new variant is mostly affecting those that are not vaccinated I have trouble coming up with much sympathy for them. Hopefully this will cull the herd of those morons. I've known most of my life that I do not march in step with many of my fellow citizens, the pandemic has revealed there are far more out there that I don't see eye to eye with than I realized.

I wear my mask when around other people. I'm fully vaccinated, and will take a booster shot if offered.


Hard to argue.

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