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What do you think of getting Adm. to let us to click on a post "like or dislike", thumbs up/thumbs down

PickledRick 8 Apr 19

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Honestly, if you like a post click the thumbs up, and if you don't like it, state your case in the comments. Just thumbs-downing a post seems cowardly.

JimG Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

Would rather focus on the positive and ignore the rest.


As a former moderator I do not think a thumbs down ability is a good idea. It has always created more problems than benifit


Enough haters out there already. Why encourage them more?


If this had been posted as a poll, my vote brings it to:

Add a like/dislike button?

yes = 0 votes
no = 19 votes

I did post it as a poll but it didn't come thru as such, I don't know if I did something wrong or what.


Why not just say it if you dissagree.. It's all a bit anonymous if you have 20 dislikes on a post. and 100 likes.. Scoling through to find out who is who.. Pain is the neck ..

If someone has an issue with anything i post i want to be told because if it's wrong i want to understand .. 😉 i want to put across my view.. explain myself. Way too much assumption involved in like buttons for me. You can always ignore stuff too.


No thank you.


I join others here in not approving of it. I will only use the like button.


Naw, I'm more apt to scroll and roll if I disslike a post.


I think it's fine how it is.


I am a fan of positive reinforcement. If I like something, I acknowledge that I like it. If not, I move on in search of things I like. It makes for a happier experience, overall, because I am not focusing on the negative aspects of things. I have no use for a "dislike" button.


NOOOO. Toooo disgressional, biased, racial, bigoted and its with an open mind free to speak that is the purpose of this website. I'm not here to argue with why you like or don't like what I have to say. Just keep scrolling down the page till you find something that you like.


I've never used a "Dislike" button on a site unless it was blatently racist or homophobic or something of that nature.
And we have an Alert button for those type of things, which I think will be rare.
As the site continues to grow, more Admin may be needed.

I think calling out bad vibes or cruel behaviour is for the best as those perpetrating know it will not be tolerated rather than hiding behind multiple "likes" / "dislikes" 🙂

I agree that the report (flag) button is sufficient. Saying you dislike something seems patently negative to me and if someone posts a comment that gets very few or zero likes, that should be telling enough.


As I recall, @Admin was considering a "thumbs down" button a while ago. I'm in agreement with the users who feel it's unnecessary.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

Off topic but...that new movie remake IT... (did you see it?) in one of the scenes, one of the kids is scared of a painting of a lady and your profile pic totally reminds me of that scene lol

@M3G4N666 I haven't seen it, but I'll look out for that bit if I do! 🙂

@Jnei aww you changed your profile pic!

@M3G4N666 That certainly does resemble a Modigliani!


My preference would be to leave it as it is. If there is something I have an issue with then I will comment, otherwise I ignore it. I don't think it is beneficial to just click a dislike or thumbs down button without an explanation.

Betty Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

Reddit allows people to down vote and I like that feature but if this site didnt start off with that mentality then it's probably best not to. I personally wouldn't mind but I see a lot of comments of people saying no...

I feel like a lot of people misuse Reddit's downvote, though. It should be for comments/posts that are off topic, don't contribute to the conversation, etc., but often people just downvote opinions they disagree with.


with people on their phones so much I think it's a bad idea. As it is people do inappropriate emoticon clicks on FB because of phones putting themselves in the awkward position of having to explain. I'm beginning to see people call this out on FB "why the sad face, or the laugh, or angry" etc etc. It's pure argument fodder.

I'd rather the admin not have "fixit fatigue" when there are more pressing matters.


Not needed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you dislike, discuss. If you like, there is a button for that.


We already can click "like" thumbs up. I woudl be reluctant to "enable" those who like to lift themselvews up by puttign others down by adding on a thumbs down .. I think Facebook ws reluctant to add teh thuimbs down for similar reasons, although they had profits to consider in weighing their decision.


If you like it - click like. If you don't discuss and prove a point.


We rather not be FaceAtheist or AgnosticBook.


Thanks for the feedback! We are working this week on a drop down menu for more options next to each post but it will be mostly room to let mobile uses see the list of people who liked a comment/etc. Below is what we're thinking... oh "Flag" will also be in the drop down.

Admin Level 9 Apr 19, 2018

Glad I could help


I get that need from Facebook, I think we should let each social app develop as seen fit and not try to make everything the same.


I would like to have it.

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