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Who do you miss the most?

AbramH85 6 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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the ones who I thought were there...


My sister, who passed away 4 1/2 years ago.


No one, I came alone and I will leave alone.... Its the same for everyone


My mother and father. Every day.


Great Grandma Erickson: she was born in Minnesota in the 1890's, raised speaking Swedish and didn't learn English until she went to school. When my parents and I lived in Belgium in the 70's she came for a visit. She had only been out of Minnesota once to visit Wisconsin and had never been on an airplane but she jetted over to see us. We took her to Sweden and while there she went up to pretty much every person she saw on the street so she could speak Swedish to them. Everybody got a kick out of her. And, oh man, could she COOK! My father had some of her butter cookies in his freezer over ten years after she died. They still tasted amazing. She was a strong, caring feisty woman and I miss her. Grandmommy, my mother's mother: she was another strong woman in my life. Very educated and intelligent and very brave. Yeah she was religious and pushed my mother into putting me into Sunday School but she was staunchly pro-choice and pro gay rights; and this was in the 70's! She was very sweet; even when she never got any granddaughters and only 7 grandsons!


My boxer "Rocco" ?


My friend Jennifer, I think we were what you call kindred spirits. I really loved her and even wrote her a song when she died. I tried to call her frequently once I found out she had cancer, but never managed to get hold of her. But I have the fabulous memories of the times we had together. Some times I just wish I could go and have another walk with her, or tell her that I love her one more time.


My brother Tim, who died from Glioblastoma brain cancer at age 51, 2 years ago. Ironically.. he was a true believer...unlike many of those, though, he was the humblest, least judgmental person I have ever known.
Also miss a bff of 25 years who developed toxic behavior. Had to let her go for my own mental health, but I do miss her.


My Father,my Nana who died 3 and 8 years ago.


that have died? My mother in law.
Still living? My best friend of 30 plus years, we became more than friends an now she won't talk to me.


my dog merkin who i lost


My ex girlfriend.


My maternal grandmother.

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