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If all matter is energy, and assuming god, wouldn't god be everything? And being everything, would god also be nothing?

McVinegar 8 Apr 19

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You haven't defined "god". Unless god = energy then this particular line of reasoning does not hold.

What energy actually is, is energy. There is no reason to call it something else -- and certainly not god.

The universe / existence / everything is adequately described by those terms; adding god to the list of synonyms does not clarify anything. Indeed, when theists do this, they are usually using it as a Trojan Horse to sneak in a generic god and then pivot to their specific god of choice.

The universe is everything and that doesn't make it nothing, so I think we can be sure that everything is not nothing.

An excellent response, ditto.


Not when there is no gods, she, he or it would just be a figment of human imagination.

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