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A little dating advice....

JonnaBononna 7 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Hahahaha Indeed!!!😂😂😂😂😂


So, that's how sporks are made. Spooning the fork. But, it would almost sound more appropriate if it was forking the spoon. Just depends on how it's taken I guess.

Word Level 8 Aug 19, 2021

It's no wonder I am single. I've been using a knife the whole time.

Just taking your knife to the wrong place. You should try the BDSM room with knives.


I always thought that storks brought sporks.

Storks are a special bird here. They don't shit all over the place like the geese do.

No that is Spoonbills.


Arnie's, a local restaurant has this as their logo on the back of all the waiters t-shirts.

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