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It still astounds me that more Canadians are vaccinated than Americans. Due to how much later we got them and all.

Oh well, if you're a republican who's aware your ICUs are packed, and the people gasping for air, and still won't get a shot, you kind of deserve to die...

America’s Republicans Are Killing Their Voters

Dyl1983 8 Aug 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Even if they succumb at 2%, the election playing field is still ridiculously tilted in their favor. The other issue is that if they get brain fog, will anyone be able to tell?


Let this sink in - the republican Lt. Governor of Texas just said that black people are to blame and democrats need to get them vaccinated. He just made a racist and divisive lie - largest non vaccinated group are white, male Trump voters.


You're surprised by this? Really? Have you never met an American Republican? (Must be nice, there in your Canuck paradise...)

I have lost all sympathy for the unvaccinated.

@Dyl1983 Ugh. My parents were the same, except that they really were very good about masks. They finally got vaccinated, (hooray), though I don't know what convinced them. Maybe they stumbled across a sensible Facebook post?


Stupid is as stupid does. You can lead a antivaxxer to the vaccine, but you can't make them take it.


You are thinking logically. Unfortunately, these people respond only to lies, distortions and distractions.


Right. Also, America's Democrats support individual liberty and responsibility. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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