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Great Moments in film
What are those moments that you never forget about a movie.
That brief moment in film that opens your eyes and either ties the whole story together or leaves a lasting impression on you.
Give the name of the film and a brief explanation of the moment.

I can think of two off the top of my head.
One was the original Planet of the Apes. When Charlton Heston is riding the horse on the beach with the girl on the back and he suddenly comes up on the Statue of Liberty, buried up to its chest in the sand. And realizes he's been on Earth the whole time. That left a lasting impression on me.
Another one I can think of is in The Terminator series - it was the third Terminator when John Connor stands there and explains about his mom, "we were living in Baja when she was diagnosed with leukemia. Doctors gave her 6 months but she fought for 3 years,. Long enough to make sure"
And the girl he's with ask," make sure of what?"
And John says, "make sure the world didn't end."

  • it's a moment that remind you what a "badass" his mom was.
RobLes 6 Apr 20

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Sleeper with woody allen and diane keaton. when diane keaton asks woody allen to sit down and eat a shiksa


The final courtroom scene, Al Pacino's character's opening remarks in "And Justice for All."

I think it's also Pacino's best performance.


The flashbacks in Godfather Part II. the baptizing scene in the same movie. I think that is one of the best movies ever made.


The flashbacks in Godfather Part II. the baptizing scene in the same movie. I think that is one of the best movies ever made.


The initial Russian Roulette scene in The Deer Hunter.


Tom Jones it was the first time in movie history I think that the hero addresses the audience directly saying you saw him steal my 500 pound note!


The most obvious and yet I was so glad I first saw it without knowing the end was Sixth Sense. Also a very unknown movie called Dead Again. Anything that can shock me in the end the way Bradbury’s Roll of Thunder did when I read it in 5th grade. Just turn everything I thought on its head. Make me watch it again knowing what I now know and it’s like a totally different movie!


A Clockwork Orange, last line said by Alex , (Malcolm McDowell) , "oh I was cured alright".


Too many and my memory is not exactly my best friend anymore... Here it goes.. 1) The 13th warrior... When they are preparing for the last stand and they know likely they are going to die, the preparation speech of all in sync with footage and music was such a powerful moment. Still watch that scene over and over 2) Oblivion... When Tom Cruise return to the mother ship with Morgan Freeman hidden in the cargo box and they blow up themselves, the whole dialog to get to "Fuck you Sally" its kind moving (to me anyway) 3) Connan the barbarian... When Arnold is preparing to have his revenge and pray to his God (Crom... Or something, spelling??) and basically tells him "Grant me revenche or hell with you", awesome 4) Braveheart... Mel Gibson screaming "Freedom" while his intestines were being pulled out 5) Law abiding citizen.... Gerard Butler having his way with the dude that killed his wife and daughter (Gruesome yes, does anyone accept they just love sweet revenge... No, not everyone would)..... 6) The good father... When Al Pacino is baptizing his little dude and his soldiers are getting "justice" killing everyone while priest ask him "do you accept God"... Brilliant and perfectly sync scene.... Anyhow, too many movies so little time

Exactly !! It is an epic scene !!


Shawshank Redemption-When the Warden throws the sculpted rock/chess piece through the poster of 'Miss Fuzzy Pants' (Jane Fonda). Right then we experience closure with Andy and his quest for freedom.


The end of Being There when Peter Sellers playing a simple low IQ gardener who becomes a trusted adisor to the wealthy and politicians walks across the pond of water.


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