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You know, laughing at yourself can improve your heath... so I'd expect America to be one of the fittest countries out there...

Why are 42% of Americans obese?


Dyl1983 8 Sep 1

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National denial of all the imperfections to laugh at to then eliminate?


If food is a marketable commodity, then like everything else, the more you can sell, of the poorest quality, with the least regulation, to the greatest number of people, with the greatest number truly addicted, then the more money you make. At the end of the day therefore obesity is a very successful product.


Lots of reasons but the one I pick is greed...greed on behalf of the food industry that pays no attention to the health of its customers, but only just how cheap they can make food and lace it with addictive forming ingredients. Then they indulge in propaganda to make their critics seem crazy and wrong. Then their good fortune spreads to the medical world and big pharma. For, when everyone has health issues it is they who continue to rake in the dough.

I’m with ya. The FDA and the FTC (Federal trade commission) basically exist only to protect the profits of those “Big four” (my phrase) such as big pharma, the commercial food industry, big oil…….and let’s not forget the other multi billion dollar insurance industry. And just look at all the brainwashing drug ads all over TV. they are designed to make you think that you really do need that drug…….and that your life will be “Great” by taking it. All the happy faces, the nice sounding music. This shit is only legal here in the USA and in New Zealand, that’s it. There is only one way you can achieve health…….but you have to completely retrain your mind in the process. You need to self educate about nutrition and how nutrients and antioxidants and the way they are important for health and longevity. and you need to understand that the system in America, and everywhere else in the world, are really “Disease Management” systems as opposed to “Healthcare” systems.

@CuddyCruiser So well said!!! What also gets to me is that in the undercurrent, Trump has taken on this stance to offer help in this situation. Of course, that is false and just a way to get followers to fill his pockets. This is a cause that must stand alone.

@think-beyond We know how intelligent most of his followers are. Trump is in many ways a cheap ripoff of John Gotti, a once NY crime family king who died in prison in 1992.


Because 58% are slim. ( Funny question ! )


An abundance of crappy food.

It’s also the ingredients that are in the food……..the preservatives, trans fats and hydrogenated oils wreak havoc on your body. And they are also responsible for many diseases and illnesses as well.

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