5 8

No thanks. I have fun, but I look forward to oblivion when my journey is finished.

onthefire 7 Sep 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd like there to be something after death but if its the Christian heaven then I'll pass. I wouldn't want to spend eternity with a lobotomy just kissing their god's ass with all the self-righteous a-holes.


Bait without the switch.


This is awesome.


Pretty much. If this is existence then I don’t need any of the expansion packs.


I’d be willing to try eternal life... if it were real instead of imaginary... and if my body could retain the health of a 20 year old. At least for a few hundred thousand years anyway.

skado Level 9 Sep 4, 2021

Not for me. When I'm done, I'm done. I've even considered an early exit.


I'm just not a big fan. I've never been happy and wouldn't know what to do if I was. Most of that is on me, but damn, this world is harsh.

It can be, for sure.

My life isn't a science fiction movie. I'm resigned to the bitter truth of life.

All Homo sapiens lives are a science fiction movie in slow motion. That’s what we do - we create fiction (Star Trek communicators) and then we make it real (smart phones). I don’t expect to see it in my lifetime, but it is totally possible that I will. Kurzweil thinks it could be a reality eight years from now. Scientists who disagree with his timeframe still agree that it will become a reality sooner or later. That, after all is why we write science fiction - to prepare our minds for what’s coming. []

@skado Nonsense.

That’s what people said to the Wright brothers.

@skado I'll keep my eyes peeled for Ray Kurzwell's obituary.

That dream won’t die with him. It’s humanity’s favorite fantasy. It will happen, if we don’t make our planet uninhabitable first.

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