The more I think about It I become convinced, the effect of money on politics must be legislated to have limited control. I recently heard the term "state capture". Are we not allowing this process to seep in gradually when money is always running the show? What country is he even a citizen of?
If he truly wants to meet a set of philanthropic goals in CA I would suggest he start on skid row. From all reports I have heard it's a quicksand of wasted tax dollars, increasing human misery and multi-leveled dysfunction. This is where the concerned should focus their efforts. Why pour money into a government that has obviously failed in many different respects, such as homelessness, drug use, cost of living, fire prevention, crime, and ineffective public schooling? It will just give CA residents more of the same. Mr. Soros needs to rescruntinize his efforts in order to do the real good residents of CA need.
Soros does not buy elections. He simply puts him money behind people who believe in government of, by, and for ALL of the people. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't see you complaining about gambling tycoons and oil barons attempt the real buying to support their greed.
How very virtuous of you and George!