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Antimasker fired after stunt at grocery store. How is this about freedom?


Diagoras 7 Sep 8

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What a filthy pig. Bring back the stocks and the pillories.


It's about AM Talk Radio spreading The Lie and all manner of misinformation. We're soon to be a one-party police state.


No, it is about arrogant irresponsibility.


Depraved indifference that deserves institutionalization. What would happen if someone waved a gun around, pulling the trigger click, click, click like russian roulette?


All freedoms involve responsibilities.
Your 'freedom' to swing your fist ends just before it hits my nose. 😛


Clearly this woman’s behavior is indicative of emotional instability and other personality disorders that seek to place herself at the center of attention in the public space.

@Diagoras Sadly, I think we’re still in the middle of it.

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