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As I predicted, after the second jab, bodies will hit the floor, back in January.

Viral post: “CDC confesses: Vaccines are failing, and the vaxxed can be superspreaders.”

Most vaccined courtry in the world, Israel.
Most covid cases in Israel are in hospitals are vaccined . The second jab is considered unvaccinated now.
Wow, wait til this 3rd booster hits after 6 to 8 months from now.

People will finally accepted we are in the third world war with our owners, the billionaires and thrillionaires.

Castlepaloma 8 Sep 9

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@Castlepaloma thank you for reminding me that many people here are not practitioners of reasoned thought.

Thank you, like the support.

@Castlepaloma I was referring to you.

Well, there is still 85% of this world that is not fully vaccined.The pendulum will swing extremely the other way, after the greatest abuse ever experienced in our lifetime. Most will not know it's coming and they will not be prepared.


Holy shit, I now have the straight dope on this. I sure am glad you posted this as I may have done something different and actually not died. Thanks.

With double the speed of the rise of covid deaths because of roll outs. Every 6 months, you get your golden opportunity at a fresh stab at genocide.


We already have one group dedicated to BS lets not get more in the 'sane' groups. I recently wrote a long letter to some 'dear friends' of mine who refused to get the vaccine. I included the Israel link. I used it as it only adds to the efficacy of the vaccine and the problems the stupid non-vaxxers have created. Here is a link with audio from NPR. [] Please peddle the one-sided poison elsewhere.

they're in a cult....logic and sanity aren't part of their dog has a better grasp of reality


Is your dog liberal or redneck or barking madd?

I know Bush little dog told him to fight Iraq or was that doG spelt backwards.

@castlepaloma you prove my point far better than i could

Pfizer shots, said for Israelis above age 60, a Pfizer booster shot reduced the chances of infection by 86% and reduced the chances of severe infection by 92%.

Who knows til 8 months from now?

If Pfizer lied about the first 2 jabs. why would they start telling the truth this time about the third vaccine.

Pfizer had been sued for billions a few times for killing people. Why would they change that?
Or this time. Everyone has to signed them off of any responsibility of any serious injury of death issues.
Extremely unethical yet Smart businessman.

@JackPedigo How do you rationalize your position with Israel as an example? They have vaccinated a majority of their population, yet they are experiencing a major spike in cases. The Pfizer trial protocol was for two jabs several weeks apart. There is no data on long term safety and efficacy for a third jab. Yet Israel is already pushing that as a requirement to be considered 'fully vaccinated'. Their studies show a dramatic decrease in effectiveness over time, and they are already suggesting that a booster shot every six months may be needed. Another Israeli study determined that vaccinated people with waning protection from the vaccine are many times more likely to be infected than those who have had the virus and now have a robust natural immunity. How many jabs are you willing to take with an experimental product that does not prevent infection or prevent you from spreading a virus?

An Israeli study- []

@BDair I rationalize all my comments with evidence. There is a ton of real research one can access. Fact is so many did not or would not get the vaccination that the virus was able to mutate to a much more contagious form. This form has been affecting even vaccinated people especially if they have a pre-existing condition. I close friend here is older and has such a condition. She does not need hospitalization and can recuperate at home but it is a long haul. Her daughter is a doctor and also caught it but it was nothing to her. Vaccines do work and they have done so for 500 years. BTW, now a brand new virus is circulating. It's called the Nipah virus []

Show me your evidence for your assertions. These are the facts. The 'vaccines' do not prevent you from getting the virus. The vaccines do not prevent you from passing the virus to others. Humans have evolved along side viruses for millions of years. They are essential to our species. There are hundreds of corona viruses passing through our population all of the time. The vast majority of humans have an innate immunity to all corona viruses and variants, which is why less than 1% of the population has been suceptible to infection. There has never been a successful mRNA vaccine used in humans for a viral pathogen, all previous attempts failed. The Covid vaccines are causing hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions, thousands are permanent disabilities and deaths. All this for no guarantee of protection, while there have been effective prevention and treatment options from the outset. The population would do just fine without vaccinating anyone. []

@BDair Anyone can find information to substantiate their position. My evidence is from history of vaccines and countless studies and lives saved from vaccines. There are a ton of viruses that have been prevented from making people ill because of vaccines. Polio is one big example. When someone has Dr. (legally) before their name maybe some will listen. I am done with butting heads with those that deny the efficacy of modern medicine and vaccines. This has created the situation of more deaths (especially children) and a country torn apart.

You have been told that vaccines are safe, effective, and essential all your life. But that does not make it any truer than what the religious believe about Jesus even though they have never seen a shred of evidence he ever existed. Doctors are not necessarily well informed about vaccines, or many pharmaceuticals they prescribe. They are bribed by and beholdened to the Big Pharma Reps., and are not free to practice medicine as the might wish to. There is more to the polio story than 'the vaccines saved the day narrative'.

This offers some perspective, and it is entertaining.


You got great sources

@BDair And I suppose you are (not). I would ask to all the anti-vaxxers what is their suggestion to get over this? Apparently it is simply do nothing and let the virus take it's course. I agree it would greatly help reduce the 'excess population' (especially the conservative anti-vaxers). There is a group for you people and I would suggest to stick to it and let the saner of us alone. For me I will simply ignore (or even block) the scofflaws in our midst.

@Castlepaloma Here's one: []


Since two jabs is not working, three jabs is now required. The fourth is already being considered.
"Israel is preparing to administer a FOURTH dose of the Covid-19 vaccine."
"Israel recently announced that being fully vaccinated now means people must get a third dose of the Pfizer jab."
"Despite being one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, Israel is experiencing record Covid cases and hospitalizations." []

BDair Level 8 Sep 9, 2021

"Zarka also said people should be prepared to take a Covid jab ‘every five to six months."


Second jab, same as the first jab, third jab same as the second jab.... "Israel says anyone with just two Covid jabs needs a THIRD shot to be properly protected against virus as it offers new injections to its entire population including children as young as 12" []

BDair Level 8 Sep 9, 2021

Safe and effective. "An Israeli study, which analysed 2.5 million Israelis from June 1 to August 14 and was published on August 19, found that those who were vaccinated in January or February were six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 in June, July, and August."


Wow that high, many hot spots around the world are force to admit the truth. Although the force is strong with the vaxxer deniers in the dark.

They will admit nothing. Three jabs are not working, you must have four jabs or the anti-vaxxers will get you.


That's more than double the deaths or have 100% faith in pharmaceutical and their sidekicks CDC, -Crime and Death Corporation.

Sounds like another 100 years.


All I have to say is WHAT UTTER BULLSHIT. No attempt to back anything up with even more bullshit already disproven "studies."

that's all these fucking cult morons have....bullshit

Not all News is owned by propreganda


If you think all renowned artist, agnostic, anarchist, strong independent individualsim are cult morons.

You might be a redneck.

@Castlepaloma gravitas isn't known for its accuracy in reporting. Indian owned, fluctuating between pro Modi and slanting toward Chinese media- a weird mix to be sure.

@castlepaloma is that a sentence or word salad with a touch of cult bullshit dressing?!


Castle Paloma
Castle represents structural strength and beautiy
Spanish Paloma represent white dove peace and love.
Wards off BS bullies

What kinda oxymoron is redneck liberal?

@castlepaloma bless your little heart.. Someone as traveled as you claim to be should know the history and origins of the term redneck.... Oxymoron?.. Not.. Try staying on topic.. The abject stupidity of the antivaxxer cult community


Don't like labels generally, in fun, ok. Not into us against them Prefer taking just the best parts from every group or person and incorporated into my world. Not anti anything nor Vaccine, these vaccine are design for world war three. The cost is more on every level in life and way beyond anyone has ever experienced in their lifetime..

Only know of hard rightwing rednecks, if you can swing liberal with it, go for it.
My art is mixed with all cultures, nature is my religion and love is my God.

I might be a tiny bit of a redneck, when I fight.


What evidence do you have? Are you an antivaxxer?

Repeatedly I've stated I have been vaccineed probably more than anyone here from touring 4 1/2 continents. I don't trust the most sued corporation in the world and most highest profiteering billionaire. Don't trust vaccines tested in months vs 2 decades for adverage research and development. Don't trust that it killed all the animals tested on. I don't trust double the speed of covid since roll outs. Proof of many places around the world the covid patients were vaccined in hospitals.

@Castlepaloma Evidence is needed. Give some links to read.


We non-elites are only "domesticated human livestock".


Reading this exchange is about as entertaining and informative as watching WWF. I think I'll make some popcorn.

We are dealing with a tag team of magalomanics.


Looks like the community has quickly called out your ignorance.

Not looking here for love and kindness just real facts and evidence.
They got slamdering name calling, not good enough.

@Castlepaloma try the CDC



@Castlepaloma "freelists"!!!...if its free I guess its gotta be good!!!.....seriously!!


I would like to see a link so I can verify your story here. I won't just take your word for it and that's all it seems to be, just your word and it seems a little too exaggerated.

Yes, just yet another opinion.

@jlynn37 And it doesn't count.

That's exactly what I was going to write. Opinion's are like A-holes, everybody has one.

@GrooshStar And they all stink except mine.

Many of my links are banned or blocked of renowned doctors and scienctist by the properganda machine . Or they the change wording and still doesn't make a difference.



Hearing an anti-vax person talk is like hearing the people who used to say seat belts would cause them to be trapped in a car.

Guess what?

You are not riding in my car unless you buckle up. I will not have meat missiles in my car.

Similar shit about the vaccine.


Still spreading your false information. I note that I got no response from you re to the actual difference between covid and flu deaths in Canada


oh look!!!another "scientist"!!!


How many bodies hit the floor from COVID-19? When you're finished pondering that statistic, you might think about how many of them happened because of misinformation. Oh, and BTW, you might want to check your spelling.

@Organ,& redneck

Been involved with professional scientists in my work as a sculptor for 45 years. Have international award in different mediums , working dinosaurs and human history museum displays and ect...
Of your 7 musical instruments you play. How many sad songs about scientists do you know.

It doesn't take a scientist to figure out in my area I got a hundred times greater chance annually of dying of heart disease than covid . Or four times greater by smoking. Then we got, 10 other greater ways to die than covid. Plus, All the great scientists and doctors have been banned or Block who ever opposes Faucism.

So write me a sad song about scientists misinformation.

@Castlepaloma Your opinion is noted.

@Castlepaloma And ten times more likely to die from covid than flu

@Castlepaloma Dinosaurs and human history?

Like as in a 6000 year old earth lmao

@Castlepaloma I also happen to have a degree in a scientific research field, and that's precisely why bad science really irks me.


I figure 20 times greater chance of dying of flu in its total history vs covid. Just like covid it could take 100 years fixing and killing and fixing and killing like flu shots for top billionaire earnings. Don't get me started on chemotherapy.

In my lifetime the risk in Canada, covid would be 20 times higher than flu deaths. I know of people who died of flu who took flu shots , me none. Rather catch covid than be given a Vaccine. Give me living life or give me vaccine. Mmmm, Or give me better still, heavy drugs of pleasure, not genocide vaccines.

@Castlepaloma ..oh look! castle - boys only response is to the only cooder who commented here. proof again if any more is needed.......penis deprivation is the root of all evil.


It would be nice to stay at the holiday Inn. From exhausted covid dancng, give poverty a break, like if anyone had any money.
Much of it has been given up for the homeless. Another way of excellerating vaccine superspreaders .

Art and Science go more in hand and hand to make magic entertainment for easier learning. They are fact checking me as much as I am fact checking them.

Could not compare dicks and asshole with your leading bullies of nuclear missiles that nationalism love to blow.

Why not have a real dick of your own? Or it easier to hide within the crowded pussies.

@holdenc98, @BufftonBeotch

Everyone knowns Adam and Eve didn't ride dinosaurs like in the Flintstones documentaries. If possible, they were black in Africa who traveled everywhere. According to my studies in arts and culture over 100,000 years ago.

@Castlepaloma ........ your meaning escapes me. are you insulting me? its an incohate mish-mash genital and excretory stew....if only you could give up being a vaccine asshole, then we could talk it over at mac donalds or wendies. i would buy you a cheeseberger!

@Castlepaloma Flintstone "documentaries."

You are just screwing with us.

@creative51 But did that damn cat stay out for the night?

@creative51 there are so many baffled people under 40 right now.


Flintstones animation sucked exspeically the Jesus Christmas special. They would be an insult, if they were true.

@creative51 commie lol

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