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Bring equal restrictions on men for all woman pregnancies such as men would be responsible for 50% to 60% child support until 18 in all cases... married, not married and all in-between.

As for the meme, put this restriction on men and women and let us enjoy in a free-for-all, do anything society.

St-Sinner 9 Sep 9

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If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant its her responsibility. Literally zero responsibility on a man's part if a woman gets pregnant. Should people use condoms more often probly, should a woman who doesn't want to get pregnant use birth control one hundred percent yes.

Tejas Level 8 Sep 9, 2021

Pass laws to make the man own it financially and every other way. Do DNA tests, make him pay child support but allowing women to do abortion at will is not a sensible and responsible solution. We allowed freedom to have sex out of wedlock, we made condoms (male and female), we allowed and subsidized birth control pills and devices, we did many things to give her freedoms and I cannot agree to play with the freedom to kill babies randomly.

@St-Sinner at what point does sperm become a baby? At fertilization? Somewhere during pregnancy? Banning abortion only causes harm to living breathing people, by creating a black market for abortion. Or by babies being born that nobody wants or can't take care of.


I'll agree with the science but I personally think it is "at fertilization."

I am not against women's freedom but I also don't think women have unchecked freedom as child-bearing women to do anything when a baby is inside. I have offered sensible solutions which are in the middle of two extreme and bizarre measures.


It's time to snip, snip

What about women in general including bar hoppers, gold diggers? Maybe all unmarried women of child bearing age should wear a chastity belt and married should have no right to abortion? Married women and men should own up their actions and raise the child together. Yours and my solution - both sound fair to both sexes.

@St-Sinner , It's a win win with vasectomy. Men will continued having sex without the risk of unwelcome pregnancy and will help to reduce the overpopulation concerns. If a woman has sex with 100 men then in 9 months, she can only have one baby. But if one man has sex with 100 women this will produce 100 babies.


Men having sex without consent is called rape. That qualifies as an exception for abortion and is also punishable by law with a jail term.

Now the consensual sex is not called rape and it does not happen when only men want it. Consensual means when both parties consent. But you don't want women to take responsibility along with men? Both should take child support and raising responsibility but an abortion at will is not the solution.

Also when a woman know about all these possibilities, risks and consequences, why does she go down that road of consensual sex?

If I was king, I would make abortion ban with exceptions the law of the land and appoint women judges to all family courts. No one can say I am not fair.

@St-Sinner , A king? It sounds like Texas governors. Vasectomies before abortions, unwelcome child support, gold diggers and more


Yes, I live in Texas and when a democracy does not work, often a good king is the solution. Like I said, I'll be a good king and monogamist - no multiple wives or concubines or elephants.

@St-Sinner , The solution is the vasectomy and Science is the king


No, because men want to have babies with responsible mothers and be great fathers. We want to have a good society with responsible men and women, good fathers and good mothers. Irresponsible women who want to have sex and not own the consequences can have tubectomy. They will not ever get pregnant, can have as much sex as possible and not have to blame men for their actions. They can live on the margins of the society, not be role models for any one but have all the freedom they want. They won't have babies to hurt.

As for science, there is real science, junk science and misused science. What you are thinking is the 3rd kind.

@St-Sinner , so your dream is to be a king and now you have the power to read what I'm thinking? Hmm, I smell a " macho". It was nice to chat with you but it's time for me to let you go.


Yes, remember as king I have my spies everywhere in plain clothing. King is king. He is powerful but benevolent. Come back here any time you need an advice. My wisdom and judgement will keep my people safe. I want a happy society with happy families, good mothers and good fathers. No immorality and no irresponsible behaviors. Any freedom must be used responsibly is my motto.

@St-Sinner , dreams are free


Yes but not abortions. They are very costly emotionally, socially and personally. Dream of all kinds of unlimited freedoms but there will be limits in a civilized society. We should always have feet on the ground and know our limits. Everything we do affects others.

@St-Sinner , vasectomy

@St-Sinner , vasectomy


No, I forbid it with the power vested in me.

I like sex and I want all of my people to have plenty of sex but want them to use it responsibly.

@St-Sinner , vasectomy


I will ask my minister to talk to you about how vasectomy will deprive millions of women from the pleasure of oral sex. You cannot want bizarre solutions to a problem. We can resolve without depriving anyone of simple life pleasures mother Nature has granted us.

@St-Sinner , vasectomy


That is just about the most clueless post I have ever seen?
Do you have any experience with family law courts?

BD66 Level 8 Sep 9, 2021

Do I need the experience? If women claim that they must have all the freedom to abortion at will even in consensual sex, I am saying no. I am saying don't do senseless abortions but instead hold men accountable to take care of the child while the woman takes responsibility too. I disagree with "I can do anything with my body when I have a baby inside."

@St-Sinner I thought this rule of child support already exists.


A rule of child support to children of born out of consensual sex between two single people? How does the law prove a woman' claim of somebody being the father? They do DNA tests based on the claim? So if I am rich and some woman claims I am the father, the cops will take my DNA? If it proves to be false, do I have a legal recourse to sue her ass to total ruin?

This sounds very impractical. Don't you think?

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