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How do you balance open-mindedness (in regard to people with faith-based beliefs) and teaching critical thinking skills in your parenting?

Gavin42 4 Apr 20

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I think they work together. To be open-minded you have to be able to take in what people say and also discern for yourself.


You really can't have one without the other. My children are very opened minded individuals and critical thinking kinda comes naturally for them. Even the one who still believes in unicorns. ?


by being honest and open minded with critical thinking. that's the whole point right.


I let my my mother take my son to church when he was young. He would ask me why I wouldn’t go and I would explain on his level. He made his own decision at 12. He saw the hypocrisy and that the Bible was full of contradictions. He’s been going on Wednesday nights with friends at their church lately but he’s doing it because he has a crush on a girl and they ride dirt bikes together. He also mentioned he’s tired of being an outcast because all his friends are Christians. I asked if he’s become a believer again and he said “hell no”. He had me worried for a minute. I think if you let them see all sides and talk about religion openly and honestly they get a better understanding of what’s real and what’s BS.


Easy. Open mindedness is remaining open to points of view as long as here is the possibility andprobability of evidence supporting it. When the prepondenerence of the evidence is against that point of view, it is time to close it out and reject it.


Well, what do you mean by open mindedness? I make no secret of the fact that I think religion is idiotic and destructive. My kids are a little young but I plan to explain the difference between respecting someones right to worship and supporting that sort of nonsense.

Have them mainline Hitchens!


We have to use multiple methods with our three kids. We sometimes take them to a Universalist community center so that they can encounter other beliefs.

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