8 21

Sin What’s it all about.

ADKSparky 8 Sep 13

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If interpreted literally then the story of Adam & Eve is indeed a nonsense that no person of sound mind could entertain. But if understood, as it is by the majority of theists that I know, as being analogous to the awakening of mankind to it’s duel nature i.e. it’s physical and spiritual natures, then it can be understood in it’s proper context. Adam represents man’s physical nature and Eve represents man’s spiritual nature. The serpent represents the ego and attachment to the material world. Adam, Eve and the serpent are all aspects of our nature, they are present in all of us.


Yep, it makes perfect sense.


seems kinda crazy when u really think about it eh


Kinda sounds like congress nowadays….


Nicely summarized! The logic of Christianity is almost as bad as its morality.


Yep. Makes perfect sense. 😉


It's truly appalling that so many people don't grasp all that is so very wrong with that whole premise.


To quote the old magician, Doug Henning. "Thank you."

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