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That’s deep. I like that. It’s true. We need to respect our interactions and the time we have with each other as precious. As an atheist I respect time. I value time. Time is our greatest asset. We should spend it well. We should appreciate when someone invests their time in us.

inigomontoya 6 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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You can't just KEEP telling certain people that they're howling fuckwits. It gets repetative after a while.



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 14, 2021

I really try to live by "Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me." If anyone tries to disturb my peace, I cut them out of my life, because I only have a short time left


If my last thing said to some people had been "Eat shit and die!"

That would make me feel very satisfied.

And I'd always wonder if they actually did.

Same here. I do enjoy having the last word with people I am arguing with and people I hate, I would probably want to say the same thing to them as you do. With people I like or love, hopefully my last words will be positive.

I was thinking the same thing


I guess I need to increase my profanity about 100x over my current level if I am to follow this advice

it might be that you're speaking to the wrong people.

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