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I should have posted this under Silly Random and Fun instead of politics because it is definitely a very silly take by our newest Supreme Court Justice.


Lorajay 9 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Really doesn't matter what Amy thinks about SCOTUS matters because she's a fake Justice. Is it possible she's clueless about why she's there or just trying to soften our fears? I would go with the PR campaign for the left to acquiesce to their power. "Accept us. We're not that bad!"


I'm sure RBG rolls over in her grave and screams, every time this woman speaks.


Definitely silly and definitely a party hack

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 16, 2021

Wait, consistently voting along party lines based on the side that got you on the court makes you look partisan?
She's such a cunt.


So she didn't notice what McConnell did with Garland? DUH!!!

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