Give me your best "Yo Mama" joke.
Am I doing this right?
Yo mama's so ugly when she went to a haunted house they gave her an application
Christian mama: Yo momma's so fat, she was baptized at SeaWorld.
Yo Mama is so fat that I ran out of gas trying to drive around her
Yo mamas so fat when God said "let there be light" he asked her to move
Yo mama so ugly they had to tie a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to play with her. Lol
Yo mamma is so smart that Neil DeGrasse Tyson texts her questions about time and space.
Yo mama so poor, when I walked into her house, a rat tripped me and a cockroach stole my wallet.
Yo mama SO fat her High School photo was an Ariel photo.
Yo mama so stupid she thought Fruit Punch was a gay boxer
Yo mama's so fat, then when she wears a red dress people think she's the Koolaid Man.
A little kid told me that joke. I know... You can tell huh?
Yo mama so fat that when she goes jogging she sets off all the car alarms on the street.