Let's talk about Charlemagne...
Took Power By Force
A Lot Of 'Decedents'
Made The Pope Come To His Death Bed
Right, I’ve never understood why African Americans are so eager to cling to and embrace an ideology oppressed on them by whites.
Do black people have pictures of white honky Jesus in their churches too, or does he look like Snoop Dog. Whenever my kids asked what Jesus looked like when they was little, I always said he looked like Snoop.....
Missing: How Israel became Jewish
Especially considering the initiation rite.
"You want me to do what to my what?"
Religion, so bad they have to beat it into you!
And the naive and gullible embrace it!!
The beatings will continue until morale improves!
Like the ending of Apocalypdo.
Mel Gibson probably intended that to be seen way differently than the way I took it.
My heart just fell out of my chest.
Tried not to do a spoiler.
Anything with violence behind it needs checking for truth.
Many hideous crimes are committed by “Men of God”.