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I don’t know why more of them don’t quit quite honestly....πŸ‘€

Aaron70 8 Sep 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Those Antivaxxers are a blight on society, one doctor said no vaccination don't come to my practice. Maybe if more followed that we would see this stop,

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 20, 2021

Yes Bob. I do think PC Physicians should be able to give J&J Jansen vaccine in their office. Most people trust their doctor. If a patient were asked by their doctor of they have been vaccinated, they can't tell him that's privileged. Patient says no. Doctor says I think you should get the vaccine, I can give it to you right now. J&J only requires simple refrigeration, it's a one time shot and I think most patients, even MAGAts will listen to their doctor. What do you think?

@barjoe Might work


@Buck What would people turn to if they quit? Quacks? Internet trolls? GED MDs? Maybe go to church and pray away their diseases?

well dear i don't want them to quite internet enrollment because it will affect we the business owners
we need a lot of helpin my company and those outside part time help can do a lot really


Would it be justifiable homicide if the medics gassed the gaslighters?

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