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Food for thought....🤔

Aaron70 8 Sep 22

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It's partially a social media thing. I don't get it. There are TikTok and YouTube "stars" of color who get lots of publicity. This is a sensational story. Somehow everything is racism.

710 indigenous people gone in 9 years, and your reply is that this story is just more sensational!?
That’s nearly 2 people a week over a nine year period!? I reckon nothing “sensational” happened to any of these 710 indigenous people?!
It has ABSOLUTELY everything to do with race that no one knows about these 710, fact.😉

I’ve read at least four different stories of POC missing this month alone that are more sensational in nature, another fact....

Truth is, the wonderful christians of America don’t give two fucks if they aren’t white....🙃

If she hadn’t been white, you wouldn’t know her name.🙃

@Buck You're obsessed with this issue.

@barjoe Right, that’s what it is, I’m obsessed. At least I’m not a racist callous ass....carry on...

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