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I brief history of christianity!!! 😎

Aaron70 8 Sep 22

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Mr Robot πŸ€–πŸ¦Ύ

Haven’t seen any of it. Any good?πŸ€”

@Buck Yeah but a really complex and multilayered mindfuck. Rami Malek cut his teeth in this role before breaking out as Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody. It may have been one of the better hacker noir storylines dealing with psychological trauma and societal woes post Occupy. F-society πŸ˜‰

@Scott321 I smoke too much to get through those complex pieces, it’s a constant rewind of a clusterfuck until I grow tired and shut it off....πŸ™„



Read the meme again, but faster this time....πŸ€”

Nope. Don't get it.

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