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E.W. Jackson Tells Religious-Right Activists They Will Defeat Marxism, Homosexuality, and Other ‘Works of the Devil’


xenoview 8 Oct 8

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The first one is a good start.


At this point I'm rooting for Covid and it's family of variants to start removing more of these people at a faster pace.


E. W. Jackson is a raving lunatic. Nothing further needs to be said about him.


That's why the fanatics are winning: to them it a battle between good and evil, god and the devil, and they VOTE when too many godless liberals don't bother.
This plague of idiocy we have brought upon ourselves.


Covid, you're up...


E.W. ??? Is it possible that there’s not another E after the W? That would spell EWE which is a female sheep. ‘Cause that’s what this guy looks like……..Sheep.


You know, sometimes I do wish there were a god, just so these morons could get the shit slapped out of them when they meet it.

That “God” will probably forgive them!!

@CuddyCruiser I don't know. According to their "holy book", their god is pretty vengeful.
Killing first borns, flooding the world, sending plagues, etc.

If that being were real, it's anger issues would probably include the shit they've done in its name.

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