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The result of drug and alcohol abuse?
Are Trump Supporters Brains Different?

PondartIncbendog 8 Oct 10

Enjoy being online again!

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There is a growing body of evidence that the prefrontal cortex of the brains of Trump supporters and their ilk suffer from significant underdevelopment. The amygdala of such people tend to be overdeveloped, so they look to "leader figures" to allay their own "fear of the other", the "other" including but not limited to Latinos, atheists, foreigners and intelligent people, this last including medical professionals, journalists, cosmologists and statisticians.

Trumpty Dumpty epitomises a leader figure to such people.


You are just finding that out now it was obvious

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 11, 2021

They have brains? Who knew!

The zombies even passed them by.


The set of Trump supporters mostly overlaps the set of Evangelistic Christians. Those who stick with Christianity are likely to be 'affected' (traumatized) by their loyalty. In order to reconcile their nonsensical beliefs with the real world, a portion of their personality incorporates deep dishonesty. A host of other pathological models develop over authority, sexuality, and socialization. Whether all that expresses itself at the level of brain structure - - who knows? The other big problem is that these people don't see themselves as having problems, and have strong incentives (their circle, their values) to keep themselves sociopathic.

Microdosing has shown itself to be a promising adjunct remedy.


I feel that we're a long way from being able to design a plan, heal division, bring people together under a unifying world view, and into a logical reasoning system that could provide something like a universal approach to determining truth. That is what Neuroscientist Bobby Azarian hypothesizes is possible. Because there are so many distracting influences in the world, the chance to bring opposing viewpoints together from many people seems impossible.



No thank you. I already had dinner.

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