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Passionate Love and Companionate Love

KateOahu 8 Oct 12

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Interesting read. Forming a bond pryor to sexual union is of great importance to me.
It's been very difficult to attain. My experience lately has been women wanting to bypass getting to know each other.
I've become sensitive in my old age. I don't want a relationship that is held together strictly by sex.
Give me the compassion.

Unity Level 8 Oct 14, 2021

As we age and as sex drive wanes, in the companionate relationship can be deep, enduring, and highly enjoyable.

It can also forestall the need for passionate love.

@Lorajay Let me add that I am not sure that a young person can even understand how meaningful and profound it it to simply accepts you as you ar, warts and all; with whom you can share memories, as well as sim0ple time in the prescence of each other, with one weho shares mutual respect for each other, with whom each others feels safe and secure, yet also oares eough to tell you gently, but directly when hr or sh e tinks that you are wrong and that it is in yoyur best interest to correct yiou.

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