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Some of us are so easily misled.

Lorajay 9 Oct 21

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No the wine only promises to put you in direct physical contact with Jesus. Fails on that promise too, but there you go.


So, what did happen?

The wine wouldn't talk to me.

@Lorajay . . . did you 'whine' about that ? 🙂

@Lorajay Must have been a California wine.


It starts with Strawberry Wine, and you spend rest of your life trying to recapture the feeling…


A few years ago, a woman or a man was in the news who was caught drunk driving by a traffic cop. It was revealed that she drank a good whole bottle of Listerine. The Listerine Company said we had provided clear instructions on the bottle that it was not a internal consumption.

Did the wine come with instructions?

I never see the wine bottle because I always drink it in a glass 🙃

If this was actually my experience it would only take one glass. I am the cheapest drunk in town.


Stay away from tequila it's worse

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 21, 2021
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