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Jesus shaves?

Willow_Wisp 8 Oct 22

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More like Jesus slaves.


I suppose he also shaves his private bits too.

I had no idea Jesus and I had anything in common.


Jesus shaves, yes, and God shave the Queen. (For all those who like the early James Bond movies...)


He might need a new razor after 2,000 years. That one is doing his skin wrong.


Wait a minute, I thought Jewish men weren’t allowed to shave? Lol

In those days most people did not shave, though it was a fashion with the Greeks, and it probably if you did do it then it signaled that you were open to and embracing Greek culture. Which included, most obviously, the celebration of homosexual love, but you would not think that thirteeen blokes who left home and mariage to form a social club and follow a charismatic leader would be open to that, would you ?


Brought to you by a good folks at “Barbasoul.”
🎵 Shave your soul with Barbasoul. 🎶


Was it said by the late Sean Connery??? Lol!!!

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