Hannity and opinion.
I have a hard time listening to what Hannity has to say, he doesn't listen, just spouts his opinion as fact. In this video clip, he's rude and shows no, okay a little, respect for an actual journalist.
I have a very personal issue related to Hannity. My aunts quote him, word for word, when trying to convince me of "their" point of view. No, that's when I stop listening because you haven't thought it through and come up with your own opinion. If I wanted Hannity's I would force myself to sit and watch a full episode of his show.
I have watched this a few times. It makes me happy.
I wonder how much of the problem actually stems from having channels with 24/7 programming. They can go over the facts only so many times before the programming becomes extremely dull, so they started all this opinion-based programming, which if outlandish enough draws in viewers. Of course, that in itself leads back to profits.
There is a world full of news, more than enough for a 24/7 cycle. For example, I wouldn't mind coverage of our neighbor's presidential race. What happens in Mexico is important to us. Instead of increased coverage and in depth analysis, we get talking heads with opinions.
Even at its best, there is a bias when the media selects what factual content to print or to air and there is a profit motive to sell papers and increase ratings. During the election cycle even MSNBC would air an empty stage awaiting Trump while Bernie spoke elsewhere uncovered. Television especially panders to the greatest common denominator in its use of language and presentation of challenging ideas.
When I travel I see newscasts that are not tailored the American audience. They will show footage of the collateral damage of our drone strikes. They will show beheadings by our allies the Saudis for adultery and not just those by Isis. They will cover excesses by Israel and the plight of the Palestinians.
One of the reasons that our then longest war was brought to a close is that the media brought the battlefield into our living rooms. We saw the horror of war. There is little anti-war sentiment for our now longest war because Americans are not daily aware that we are still there fighting the Crusades.
I barely remember Edward R. Murrow and was too young to appreciate him, Great newscasters like Walter Cronkite could not survive in todays environment. They would be purged as was Tom Brokaw for challenging the groupthink. Huntley and Brinkley would go the way of Bill Moyer because they were too intellectual to appeal to the mob.
I find comfort in the warm bath of Maddow's biases because hers are for the most part are my own. She filters but tries to present factual content. Hannity has no regard for fact or truth. He often lies and reports the lie. Still, I miss real news and wish there existed a channed that reported factual, unbiased national and international news. There is so very much going on out there that we know nothing about. I watch BBC when I can but it falls short as well.
I'm glad to have taken the opportunity to vent but apologize for the rant.
Poor senile Ted Koppel. Hannity speaks the truth!
If you are the free thinker you believe yourself to be, try researching some of Hannity's "truths" and you will find many are not based in fact. I convinced Skeeter to use Snopes.com now and again and he is a changed man.