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The rotten apple spawn of Trump Sr. doesn't fall far from the tree. NY Daily News nails him on cover

"In case you missed it above is the front page of The New York Daily news. I am embarrassed to admit that I missed the play on words in the headline with Satan misspelled. Satin is a type of fabric. Satan of course is the Devil. I assume they went with “hatin’” because it is short for hating. Hatin’ rhymes with Satan. I should have figured this out immediately. Did you? Take the poll."

Full Article:

nogod4me 8 Oct 27

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One must wonder if the "armorer" that gave Alec the firearm and yelled "Cold gun" might not have a murderous sympathy for Trump and the NRA, both of which hate Alec.
The investigation will be interesting, because I don't buy into her silly, "OMG, did I do that?" routine.
I mean accidents happen, but this?
If anything vile happened it's on her head, or someone that used their access to her to do this.
As for Jr, he's a small turd that fell off a much larger POS and no one should ever pay any attention to anything he says since we already know it's all lies and false accusation, what the Bible called "False Witness" for all those Conservative Christians ready for Jihad on every front possible even when it's tragic and sad.
It's all hypocrisy mixed with lies and stupidity.


don Jr is a sick little shit...the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree

Leetx Level 7 Oct 27, 2021

Spawn of Hatin' is more apt to describe Trump Jr. What Baldwin did was a tragic accident and he should be held accountable but I'm fairly certain he did not kill someone intentionally.

Meanwhile Trump spent years spouting hatred, goaded his followers into attempting a coup that resulted in 5 deaths, dozens of injuries, and 4 suicides.

But Trump and his shitty spawn and those of his ilk are always quick to lay blame and accusations on others yet never ever take any responsibility for anything they do or say. Utter hypocrisy of the highest magnitude.

Also, thousands have died believing their "Covid-19 is a hoax " lies.

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