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How prone are you to believe conspiracy theories? I found this interactive quiz by the Washington Post to be fascinating to test your knowledge and skepticism. I for one am quite skeptical so research questionable theories presented to me, so I got 100%.

But I have to admit to guessing correctly only because I knew only ONE was true and the others to be false in each question. If I had to guess how many were true/false, I might not have done so well. If you take this test, how well did you do?

I apologize if this was posted before. I only saw it today.


Julie808 8 Nov 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm British, and a Social Scientist, who very recently had been studying all of the subjects within the questions thus, biases my answers. This is why I scored 100%.
Now, an interesting aside. Several of my classmates stiff profess to believe a number of these conspiracies going against our tutoring in the scientific method. This in turn, supports researcher bias.
Add to this, the corroboration between religion and conspiracy theories.


Interesting quiz. Unfortunately for those people who got some questions wrong they still may say that it's the Washington Post and they're just telling you what they want you to believe. So basically it's preaching to the choir unfortunately

lerlo Level 8 Nov 2, 2021

I got one wrong because I do not and never did believe that JFK was killed by a lone gunman. My evidence is simple logic really. IF the route of the car was not changed that day it would have remained on the Stemmons Freeway and Oswald would not have had a good shot. The car carrying JFK would not have passed the Book Depository building. Who changed the route and why? The route change slowed down the car and without it Kennedy would be too far away from the building.

Yeah - I think there is a lot of information that has not been shared about the JFK assassination. I think there are some files that were hidden for 50 years, and Trump could have allowed them to become public, but he chose not to... so who really knows until the full report is made available to the public.


Picking the true statements was really easy. It was no challenge whatsoever. Anyone who believes any of the false statements is lacking in objectivity and critical thinking, and full of bias in his or her psychological core.

Congratulations! Yes, it was easy for me too, to find the ONE, since I'm pretty skeptical by nature, BUT what I'm saying is that if I didn't know it was just one, I might have had to really think if any of the other ones might have some truth to them, but finding the one I was sure was true was easy. 🙂


I'm pretty sure I'm living in a simulation.


I used to be a conspiracy theorist. I see the dangers of that kind of thing now. So I got away from the obsession of it. Every now and then I pick up something over a bowl of popcorn. But you gotta take things with a grain of salt. What actual proof do we have that the Rothschild family owns the planet etc? It is interesting to speculate sometimes

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