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I wish I was American; then I wouldn't have to own up to my actions...

"He-man fetishist Josh Hawley says feminism has turned big strong men into porn and video game addicts"


Dyl1983 8 Nov 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah Josh is so manful and manly himself! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think Feminism is having some effects on male "softness" but it's apparent to us all that males needed to be reprogrammed about how to get a woman into bed. Pendulums swing far, though. While I'm not a big fan of Feminism (I'm for egalitarian equal rights) I'm even less of a fan of big strong Josh Hawler. I'd love to video myself fucking him in the ass and kicking him out when I'm done.,

It's improper to comment on concepts that you don't understand. Feminism by definition IS egalitarianism.

On Josh Hawley, he references no evidence to support his position and therefore that's exactly how much credence his position deserves. Conservatives don't understand how facts are established, don't understand the significance of evidence and have no regard for the truth.

@LovinLarge Feminism is a political org for gaining and holding power and it's winning precisely because women never see anything as not being tribal. It's in the instinct of a physically less imposing group to manipulate their oppressors through group and humiliation. Their day will come, too, but I won't be around and truly don't care. I no longer work so have no job to be shut out of. Humans are just ridiculous all around and trying to right a wrong (discrimination) is destined to fail. The great RBG voted against The ERA (which is what women actually need) so it's not just men keeping females down. She got hers and gave you all the finger.

@rainmanjr Thanks for mansplaining feminism in a way in which every point you made confirms your misunderstanding of the concept and even dared to include misogynistic content.

@rainmanjr "“If you count a latecomer on the plus side, how can you disregard states that said we’ve changed our minds?” -- RBG

She isn't against equal rights for women.


@LovinLarge Thanks for your woman-splaining of what I, a simple man, do not understand.

@LovinLarge, @FearlessFly It's a concept that she could have simply ignored and made law. Hers was the deciding vote so others made this calculation for advancement of women's rights. Being right didn't advance a thing.

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