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I honestly don't believe in "safe spaces". I think they're bullshit and are a huge part of what has gotten this society into the fix it's currently in.
Being offended by anything anyone else has to say is just the price of having Free Speech.
No one has the right not to be offended.
Being offended is something everyone should expect.
People have got to stop being so goddamned thin-skinned and toughen the fuck up.
Life will chew you up and spit you out if you don't.
No one can "protect" you, or your delicate sensibilities, from speech you don't agree with. No space is "safe".

KKGator 9 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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It's called empathy.. some of us are trying it out.. but you do you.. let the others be them.. its actually kinda easy.

No, it isn't "empathy". Not even close.
It's trying to force everyone else to not say anything truthful because someone else might take offense.

@KKGator citations please.. because I havent seen any of that..

We obviously have very different ideas of what "safe spaces" are.

@KKGator "We obviously have very different ideas of what "safe spaces" are."
.. > I'm from Canada.. so that's possible.. I don't always understand 'merika english..


Offending for no reason at all, isn't that the same as bullying? No one has the right not to be bullied? I do have my doubts. Offending when there is a valid reason someone should expect, but who determines what the reason is valid?

Gert Level 7 Apr 30, 2018

Being offended and being bullied are two entirely different things.

@KKGator If you say so! ………… but I don't think so. Can you tell me where the dividing line is drawn?

@CoastRiderBill I do see your point. However, I do not claim to be altruistic. I don't believe anyone truly is. They might think they are, and that's fine, I just don't believe it.
I'm not a humanist either. So, I'm not going to lose sleep over those I consider overly-sensitive, and lacking in humor. I still think most people need to develop a thicker skin. Life is hard, no one should be expecting anyone else to make it easier for them. I'm tired of whiners.

@CoastRiderBill I happen to like my "jaded cynicism".
Enjoy your day.

I guess that everyone that bullies preys on weaknesses of an other and preferably they love to be supported by a group of supporters. And surely they will defend themselves as; They should toughen up, they ask for it. They run away sobbing though when they make a misjudgement and get it back in their face. Bullying or any offending behavior (apart from answering to offending behavior) is abuse in my vision. So, prank-on, I'm not part of it.


Politically correct has been taken to far and needs to be corrected. Facts sometimes do hurt and no one can do anything to change this.


We choose how we react.
Those who anger us control us.


Can't agree more. You might find this article interesting:


Thanks for sharing.

The Coddling of the American Mind


the term offence fits more to a physical attack, & i will hope to dodge any future ones, as i managed in the past. in case of personal verbal attacks by shallow-minded folks who are incapable to stay with a topic i'd rather call it "insult", & i will give back in a mercilessly scathing way. a different opinion (viewpoint) is just that: another facet on the multiverse of humanity. political correctness wrecked the art of open-minded & genuine communication. safe places are for brainless ninnies.


Sticks and stones..........

Whips and chains...

@KKGator Whipped cream and feather dusters.... Did we just take a left turn? ?

@Sticks48 LOL Dude, we're totally off-road! LOL

@KKGator & @Sticks48 LOL!!!

@KKGator hmmm...

@BucketlistBob LOLOLOL


I think the whole "safe space" thing has mutated into something it was never intended to be.
There are some people who deserve it though.

People with disabilities for instance, they can't control their situation and their exposure to assholes who would mock them should be limited. Our president doing it on national television is an example.

People who went through being bombed in a war can be very sensitive to loud explosions, and rightfully so.
I get what you say about no place being "safe", but an effort can be made in some cases.
I agree there are a lot of pussies out there too. LOL

Paul, I'm not talking about not protecting people with disabilities or war survivors, but I'm sure you, and many others, know that.
I'm talking about those who would squelch the free-exchange of ideas because it might make others "uncomfortable". No one's "comfort" is remotely worthy of suppressing anyone's free speech.


Especially here - freethinkers speak.


I have found it is pretty hard to offend me, people annoy me.
My problem is I have to stop myself from firing back, whether verbally or physically.
I tend to crack eggs with sledge hammers.
There is a difference between offending someone by what you say/think/believe and attacking someone. When first attacked I am gentle, after a while, well. Those people best find a safe place.


To me, being thin-skinned is being offended by someone being offended. Why not just shrug it off instead of saying, "toughen the fuck up?" Yeah, no one has the right to not be offended, but that doesn't mean you should disregard etiquette or common courtesy.

No. "Shrugging it off" is tacit compliance. I'm not all that interested in "etiquette or common courtesy" when it comes to speaking the truth of a situation.
All this political correctness, and not wanting to hurt people's feelings, has put us in a situation where no one can say anything without being chastised. Oh yeah, I really mean toughen the fuck up. No one's "offense" precludes anyone else's right to say what's on their mind.


Be kind, which is kind of this athiests mantra. Being an asshole may make you feel better but does not help the situation ever, and by the way, it does not make you feel better, it just makes you more hateful. Needlessly antagonizing other makes the situation worse. A couple of good examples. Berating and denegrating the Parkland school survivors. They were recently tramatized, they should get a bit of leniency just because of the trama they recently went through. Insulting Barbara Bush, unneccesary and stirs up hate, no good comes of it. Making sihouette targets of Trevon Martin, completely and pointlessly hateful. None of these things are speaking ones mind, but inciting hate, there is a difference. Speaking ones mind is trying to get a point across, spreading hate is not.

I never said anything about "spreading hate". There are laws against hate speech.
Why do so many people go straight to the wrong conclusion? This is exactly what I'm talking about. Free speech isn't always pleasant. That does not make it hateful.
Too many people are extrapolating my comments to the wrong conclusion. This is where we are because people don't want to be made "uncomfortable". If refusing to go along with being politically correct makes me an asshole, so be it. I'll be an asshole. It's damn sight better than being a goddamned fascist.

@KKGator The examples I provided are not hate speech, and you cannot in any honesty claim they are. So you greatly stretch the truth so you can have something to be offended by.

My examples are examples of needlessly antagonistic speech.

@Tominator Exactly how did I "greatly stretch the truth so ( I ) can have something to be offended by"??
Further, how did you get to where I was being offended?
I didn't attack anyone. I didn't berate anyone. I have no idea how you got where you did.


The only way to deal with life’s problems is to think about them. Thinking will present many ideas and opposing viewpoints, and “safe spaces” prevent that from happening.

Thinking AND talking. Talking is where people seem to be having their issues.
Talking is the ONLY way issues become resolved.


No, I don't agree. For sure you can't be totally protected from speech you don't agree with BUT theres a huge difference between speech you don't agree with and speech thats designed to incite hatred and violence.
As a society we can agree certain rules for the benefit of members of our society. We also accept that we will have sanctions against people that infinge those rules. For example, my neighbour can't be guarenteed that I won't go round and burn his house down BUT if I do then my society will take action against me. Most of us would think thats fair enough.
My society has also passed rules with the idea of discouraging me from nailing pigs heads to the doors of synagogues and mosques. I can do this if I really want to BUT they will take action against me.
These are obviously extreme examples and things that I have no actual wish to do but it kind of works on a sliding scale.
People have every right to be offended about whatever they like. YOU don't have to be bothered about their offence. But its nice to be nice and if you don't HAVE to upset somone, why would you? 🙂

You are free to disagree with me, that is your right.
I don't agree with many of "society's rules". I frequently break quite a few
of them.

Very, very good comment.

@Hellbent Thank you, so much! I appreciate the support more than I can tell you.
I'm not backing down from this one, not even a little bit.

@Hellbent Yeah, I tend to agree with that as well.
The more people that agree with something, the less I want anything to do with it.
Felt that way about religion when I was a kid, too. I see this issue as no different than expressing no belief in gods. The "majority" see things one way, I see another.

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