Is militant ignorance the scourge of this time?
One of them. Militants in general are a problem. The ability, thanks to the Internet, to spread the venom world wide continuously has aggravated the problem.
It's hard not to think so when so many adults represent their limited grasp of politics with meaningless phrases like "MAGA" and "Let's go, Brandon".
Ignorance - no. Arrogance - yes?
Hmm. May I suggest both?
@anglophone hasn't the ability to kill other humans reached the highest degree of intelligent design ever seen in the development\history of the human race? If so how can it be described as ignorance?
I think that it was the scourge of all times. It is just that post the enlightenment and the scientific philosophy we can now see that it is just ignorance pure and simple, where in the past the Christians, called it Islamic lies, the Mohammedans called it Hindu lies, and the Hindus called it Buddhist lies, etc. etc.