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Anyone know this guy?

KateOahu 8 Nov 11

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My girlfriend thinks that she does, but she is wrong.


But can he carry them ALL up 2 flights of stairs like that? I'll stick to carrying my groceries in my sturdy cloth bags slung over my shoulders. Looks like an interesting exercise, none the less!


They just made single use plastic bags illegal in Philadelphia. I do this everytime because I almost never have a parking spot in front of the house. They either make you buy a bag or bring your own. My local gives old school brown bags like back in the day. You have no choice but to make two trips.

Plastic bags were outlawed on Kauai years ago. So, I now have almost as many cloth shopping bags as I do cloth masks, haha, and always make sure I have both my bags and masks handy hung on my door, so I don't forget them when I go out, plus I keep extras in my purse and glove box. Anything to avoid having to buy a 25 cent bag at the checkout counter!

It's a habit that takes some getting used to, but in the long run much better for the environment and fewer bags cluttering my home.

I used to use my plastic shopping bags for my daily garbage, but now I've found that I can use many other bags and containers I'm tossing anyway to carry my rubbish over to the dumpster.

Seems like a small thing for one person, but when I think of how many hundreds of plastic bags I used to turn it for recycling, let alone use for garbage, it's a lot that no longer goes into the landfill. We've gotta make room for all the disposable masks and gloves in the landfills now!

@Julie808 A few years ago in Turkey I stopped in a supermarket, and not having many items, I thought that I would carry them out in my arms. But the young lady at the check out spotted this, took them of me, and insisted in packing them into a bag for me. The young lady at the next checkout even came over to help her. (It was a slow day.) Then they gave me big smiles and opened the doors for me.

Silly old foreign man. Obviously does not know how supermarkets work !!!

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