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US law signed by President Joe Biden will require new cars to detect drunk drivers


xenoview 8 Nov 18

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I mean, I guess that could be good, but why don't they take the way more logical step of legalizing self-driving cars?

The drunk driver will insist that he’s a better driver than the computer.

@yvilletom Drunk people say lots of dumb stuff.

@JeffMurray Yeah, then they start their cars and drive off.


What about impaired Presidents?

BD66 Level 8 Nov 18, 2021

We vote them out and arrest all their criminal friends, haven't you been watching the news?

@JeffMurray Did BD66 intend to say “impaired Joe” but then forget?

@yvilletom Forget what?

Which president are you talking about? tRump is what comes to mine, when I think about it.

@xenoview Let's have a contest. I'll post a video of Joe Biden in an extremely impaired state. You post the most-impaired version of Trump you can find:

Here's my impaired Biden video:

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