Kyle Rittenhouse shoots 3 people with an AR15 and he is acquitted on all counts. Trumps stupidity led to over 600000 deaths and he has been effectively acquitted. I could claim self defense and shoot anyone I disliked and there are some obvious individuals whose behavior threatened and still threatens my life.
If I were Kyle I would put myself into a house and stay there. The next time he is out and with a gun someone will probably shoot him just for fun, why not he is a free target. Anyone who is out in the same crowd would feel threatened by him and probably have the right to defend themselves from him.
Wisconsin is Trump Central in the North, judge was a trumper, not surprised
So Judge Bruce Schroeder, who, before he became a judge ran for and won office (DA) as a Democrat, and ran for office (State Senate) as a Democrat, and was appointed to the bench by a Democrat, is a "Trumper"? Do you have anything supporting that besides that he didn't run this case as you would have liked?
Kyle Rittenhouse's shootings became a flashpoint in the nation’s debate over guns, vigilantism and racial injustice. Good.
My only hope is this galvanizes President Biden to write an Executive Order banning the sale and open carry of military-style assault weapons.
Seems it's always okay for a white boy to be armed and not questioned . . . So when these gun rights advocates start really standing up for the part of the Constitution that grants EQUAL justice for ALL I'll be find with their carrying their guns around. Do NOT get me started on the part about a well organized and trained militia they ignore. Because the thing they fear the most is a Black American with a gun.
The prosecutor fucked up and charged KR badly. Do a search on the charges.
The judge dropped the illegal firearm charge, which in MHO he is guitty of. I just want to know when the part in the Constitution about life liberty and JUSTICE for all these gun rights people are going to get as cranked up over.
OH! if it's white folk great but we have a real serious problem with the justice part that is actually built into our justice system and exploited in so many ways.