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From some not fun facts :

Dogs like squeaky toys because it mimics the sound of their dying prey.
It was legal to mail children through the USPS from 1913 to 1930.
Hitler was nominated for a Nobel prize.
Kelloggs Cornflakes was originally advertised as an anti masterbation cereal.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Nov 26

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Quite right too. But where are your supporting links?


Is any of this true?

@MsKathleen No-one packaged their children and literally sent them through the mail. People had postal carriers transport their children, 7 instances between 1913-1915. There may have not been an official law against it until it until 1930.[]

@Druvius The Kellogg's thing is not true. []

@barjoe Apparently it is a "2nd hand" he may have said something similar. Cornflakes were created as a health food. He was a really strange dude.

@Beowulfsfriend Kellogg was a Capitalist, who invented a product and marketed it under the guise of “healthy”. Much like a number of doctors are doing today. Seen any doctor’s supplement ads online?

In the UK it was, and probably still is quite legal to mail people, a couple of people, including a feminist activist, tried to get to see the prime minister by mailing themselve to him.

Hitler was nominated for the Nobel prize, the peace prize no less, in 1939, by a Swedish polititian, but keep in mind that that is only nominated, not awarded.

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