What's in a Number? It turns out a lot!
Gee, you guys were not kidding; it takes a long time to reach Level 8. It took about eight months to go from a 7 to 7.1 I'm happy to see my level move up a notch because I thought Agnostic was off-kilter with Admin, MiA: Missing in Administration. But, loftier enlightened heads prevailed at the top of the Agnostic Super-Star elite. So, what's it like up there at 9 or 10? May I have your autograph?
Points and free stuff? I must have the wrong site, or maybe I accidentally put on my IDon'tGiveAFuck face today. I do apologize, I am expected to be rude. I hit level 8 and was treated just the same. No shirt, but a few laughs from some of the regulars on here. Forget about the points and let the community be the reason to be here.
Admin is MiA: Missing in Admin so no more support.
I just came back from a 2 year hiatus and was shocked that I still had an account and was an 8..I like 8 - it is like infinity turned on its side.
You know you get points for having a photo right, try starting with that. Besides it should be harder as you rise up the ranks, weeds out the inactive users. But it's all for fun really, good luck anyways.
To me, it's really not a big deal.
I hit level 9 in 2018.
Didn't hit 9.5 until a few months ago.
Still have over 300k points to go before level 10.
I've been a member for 4 years.
I only remember to look at where I am when a post like yours comes along.