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If you get caught in the act of Mass Murder—you get put to sleep. You lose the right to live on the planet when you people in public places and we all know they are guilty. You get a one-week trial: SleepyTime.

Use saved for the environment and health care.

Tourirst 7 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Nonsense. You can't know someone's guilty. We've put too many innocent people behind bars and in the ground to be arrogant enough to think this is a good idea. I hope someday proponents of the death penalty end up wrongly convicted, thereby removed from the electorate.

see comment

Ok, I updated my comment, it was done in haste and I made a typo. It sucked. Now, do you agree we should eliminate these mental plagues from the earth? It is far worse being locked in a tiny room for 75 years, but why reward them with free room and board.


  1. I do not agree we should kill anyone.
  2. What is "far worse" is obviously subjective and relative.
  3. Why allow people to sit in jail? 1. It is somewhat reversible where death isn't. 2. Sitting in jail is less expensive than killing the prisoner.

@JeffMurray Not in a week.

@Tourirst So you're suggesting that US citizens should not be entitled to an appeals process?? That's even more ridiculous than your original post.


Can you be more specific?

Get caught in the act of mass murder.

@Tourirst Trump is arguably guilty of mass murder by discouraging mask use and refusing to enact conventional health measures. Those measures would have reduced the Covid death toll by hundreds of thousands. Does he qualify, and if so, what can be done? So far, absolutely nothing.

@racocn8 TrumpPutz said it was a "hoax" so I guess the crook is off the hook. TrumpPutz should be burned at the stake. Slowly.

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