Can you imagine … abortion becoming legal and overturned in the USA in the same lifetime? I throw my hands up in disgust at this backwards nation.
Justices signal they’ll OK new abortion limits, may toss Roe
Personal responsibility includes sex too. (Excluding rape).
You can buy the Plan B pill at Walmart for christ sake. Make wiser choices and it shouldn’t be an issue.
@CourtJester That’s a gross oversimplification of abortion. And I don’t buy the “abortion only in the case or rape or incest” argument at all.
Yes, of course some abortions happen as the result of not being careful. But sometimes contraception just fails. And sometimes there’s a lack of sex education, especially among poorer and younger people.
Here are some interesting facts to ponder:
Why We Keep Accidentally Getting Pregnant
Twice the number of women whose pregnancies were unintentional as those who were trying to get pregnant failed to receive prenatal care during the first trimester.
Mothers with unintended pregnancies were also more likely to smoke, and their babies were slightly more likely to have a low birthweight.
It was noted that 65% of deliveries of unintended pregnancies were paid for by Medicaid, as opposed to 35% of planned births.
Unintended pregnancies tend to occur to mothers with fewer resources to support the child, and therefore result in direct public health costs through Medicaid more often than intended pregnancies.
@Apunzelle personal responsibility
@CourtJester Ok, I see your white male privileged life has your mind made up.
Should she have bought Plan B from Walmart?
Being a male, as I assume you are. It's not our decision to make...PERIOD
Its naive and arrogant to over simplify an issue that can be very complicated!
@marksam8484 it’s not complicated. Responsibility lies on the side of both genders.
If I've said it once, I've said it 42,863 (now 42,864) times, I FUCKING HATE REPUBLICANS.
We feel the same way about y’all too. We just find it comical though. You guys get all butthurt about it. It adds to the comical aspect for us really.
@CourtJester The difference is we have logical, rational reasons for our hatred.
@JeffMurray Us too.
@CourtJester And this is why our country is doomed.
@JeffMurray Under democrats; of course.
@CourtJester Under anyone, the extreme divide of the people will be our downfall.
@JeffMurray Nah. One side always wins. My bet is on the side that doesn’t want to get rid of guns and the police.
Should be a fun show.
@CourtJester I'd be here for it. I want to die anyway, and that would give me a good reason/ justification for gambling on almost certain death. Unfortunately, there couldn't really be a Civil War the way it was before with the geographical divide. But that's not what I meant by doomed, I meant the irreparable fabric of our democracy. More likely as we descend into chaos, others, probably China and Russia, will take full advantage and demote us from our current standing.
@JeffMurray that’s an administrative decision at this point.
I didn’t vote for them.
You should google ‘operation mockingbird’
@CourtJester I don't know what you're taking about anymore. What's an administrative decision? Didn't vote for whom? Even if Operation Mockingbird was 100% true, what would that have to do with our conversation?
@JeffMurray huh? Even if???
Yep. I hear you.
In our lifetimes there's been a seismic shift. I hate to sound like a broken record, but it's the near monopoly the right has on AM radio, which began when Reagan ended the Fairness Doctrine in 1986.
People don't want to believe it's that simple, but ask yourself, WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE?
Democrats have had their chances to reinstate it, with a more balanced Supreme Court, but they've blown it, over and over again.
It's clearly a violation of our constitutional right to free speech, but good luck getting that argument past the Supreme Court now, even if they had another chance to do something about it.
No, abortion is only one of a number of proliferating problems, which will become a damburst once we get one-party rule, which should begin in 2022 unless I'm totally wrong, which I doubt.
I don't see why men should be having a say in this issue at all. It's a women's body and should be a women's decision.
Because Christian women (about half of the female population) give us that mandate. Seriously. It was Tammy Baker, as an example, who elevated her husband the 1st and 2nd time. Women have all the power in Christian circles and obedient men, who carry their demands, are elevated to carry their water.
I disagree with that. Women, in general, should have no no more say over what an individual woman can do with her body than men. Why does it matter what genitalia someone has when they're shitting all over your reproductive rights? Would you really be okay with it if it was only all [hard-core, right-wing] WOMEN that took women's reproductive rights away from them? I doubt it. Please stop parroting that line.
@JeffMurray sure they do. Women have to carry it to birth to birth give birth and nurse it. Man can plant seed leave and have absolutely nothing to do with it. If a couple are still together they can make that decision together but ultimately it should be a women's choice. Her body, her life, her decision. PERIOD!
@GrooshStar There may have been a miscommunication here. You said:
"I don't see why men should be having a say in this... ...should be a women's decision."
"Her body, her life, her decision."
How can it be a decision for women to make and also each individual woman? Unless you misspoke? But if that's the case you should have realized there was simply a miscommunication upon reading my reply. But I think we're on the same page?
So there's no confusion about my position, there should be no legislation regarding regulation of reproductive rights. Women should be allowed to abort any time for any reason. Any restriction, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, can be abused to trample on individuals' reproductive rights, thus, there should be zero such restrictions.
@JeffMurray my bad.
@GrooshStar Okay, good, we are on the same page. Yeah, I hate hearing people say only women should get to vote on this issue because it's completely illogical, begs a ton of questions (like is it all women, or only those that can get pregnant, etc.), and may not result in the desired outcome.